What Role Does "Prayer" Play in Our Health Care?
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Published: 15 February 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Today, researchers and scientists are looking for ways to treat the effects of religion and spirituality, and find scientific and practical ways to use this therapeutic approach. Prayer is one of the most important religious spiritual practices that, although history has been thousands of years old, recent scientific research has begun. In this review, we tried to find out, by searching for library resources and referring to foreign and domestic databases, to critically evaluate the impact of religious activities, especially prayer and prayer in the process of physical and mental health, on some of the research done on the effect of this mandate religious duty refers to the recovery process of patients with multiple diagnosis. The results of a vast majority of studies suggest a positive effect of prayer and prayer on the return of the patients’ health, and researchers have suggested the use of spiritual ceremonies along with medical treatments to control and treat diseases.
Keywords: prayer; health; mental health; calm; prosperity.

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How to Cite
Ali reza Afroogh, Mohammad Hakami, Fatemeh Zam. (2019-02-15). "What Role Does "Prayer" Play in Our Health Care?." *Volume 2*, 1, 9-13